Linux is a popular OS, which is commonly used for web servers, because it has a number of advantages over other OSs. It is looked upon as the most solid Operating system out there and owing to the way it functions, infected files shall simply not work. Since Linux is totally free to use, no license fees will be calculated in the price you will have to pay for your web hosting service. That, in turn, allows for the provider to customize the Operating system depending on what they and their customers want, removing unneeded packages to boost the OS and the server’s functionality. Linux servers typically include the Apache server software, that processes site access requests. Apache is furthermore free and customizable, not to mention that it's very fast and light with regard to the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which many of the most popular script apps require – WordPress, Moodle, Joomla™, and so forth. The LAMP configuration is the most commonly used one worldwide, as it's stable and simple to maintain.