SMTP, which is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the software that permits you to send out e-mail messages from your email addresses. Without this, you will not be able to use email applications or webmail. When you send an email, your SMTP server creates a connection to a DNS server to determine where the e-mails for the recipient domain name are managed. After that, it connects to the remote email server and exchanges details. In case the recipient mailbox is accessible, your server sends the message to the receiving POP/IMAP server and the latter delivers that e-mail to the precise mailbox in which the recipient can see it. If you wish to be able to send emails, it is recommended to ensure that the hosting company provides the service with their packages. Even if you use an online form that website visitors use to get hold of you, you'll still need an active SMTP server for your hosting account for the web form to function.
SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you get a semi-dedicated server plan with our company, you will be able to send out email messages when you set up a new e-mail via your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. All accounts have access to our SMTP server by default, not on demand or being an optional upgrade, so you'll be able to get in contact with friends and colleagues using your favourite email client or webmail. In addition, you can use a contact form on your site and site visitors will be able to contact you easily. The SMTP settings are available in the Emails part of your Control Panel. In the same area you may also discover how to create an e-mail address with the most widely used programs on your computer system or smart phone in addition to frequent issues and their solutions if you get an error message when you attempt to send an email.